期刊名称:International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
摘要:D ebates a s to the purpose of assessment ha ve bee n ra ging sinc e time imme mor ia l. T he re is littleconsensus a s to what the purposes of a ssessment should be. T here is however, little contention that the ideologicalorie ntation of the ruling political elite very often sha pe the funda menta l principle s that eventua lly tra nsla te intoassessment policy for the nation. T his paper a rgues that the ideologica l position that a na tion assumes with rega rdto wha t purpose assessment should serve, is strongly re lated to wha t the nation sees as the purpose of educ ation.South Africa n curriculum policy documents are unambiguous in declaring a familiar neoliberal orientation, namely,that educa tion should be gea red towa rds economic growth. In other words, purpose of education should be to servethe ec onomy and that a ssessment re gimes should support the achievement of this end. N eolibera l ideology ha sinfluence d our discour ses on assessment in su ch power fully insidiou s ways tha t even highly r espec te d thoughtleaders in education have been seduced by its allure. The question is, how do can this neolibera l tra p be sprung andthe a ssessment discourses challenged. How c an the ideology tha t drives recent trends in a ssessment internationallyand locally be brought to the fore in ways that sharpen understanding and critiques thereof. This pa per draws on arange of interna tional rese arch on the consequenc es of high stakes testing a nd a ccountability regime s to suggest acau tionary appr oa ch to policy borrowing. It argues for a resea rch informed approa ch to assessment policy tha t isse nsitive to the effec ts of high stakes and sta nda rdized testing on learners a nd on teac hers pedagogic practice s
关键词:Pe rfor ma nce. Educa tion Policy. South A fr ica . E conomic G rowth. Ideology