其他摘要:Final management of domestic waste by means of a landfill or an incinerator plant is relatively recent in time. Previously domestic waste was transported to an area near to the town where it was deposed on land (dump) and in some cases burned with the environmental implications that this kind of management carries. Environmental aspects
neither were taken into account when dump localization were decided. In the Catalan county of Ribera d’Ebre this kind of dumps were working until the second half of 90’s of the 20th century when they were closed. At the same time domestic waste were sent to a landfill where waste was deposited into land. Old dumps have been located and analysed according their characteristics as well as surrounding characteristics and accessibility. Closing and sealed process is also evaluated and situation of the area at present is shown.
关键词:residuos domésticos; vertederos; comarca de La Ribera d’Ebre.