摘要:The article analyzes the intelectual and institutional history of communication and media studies in Croatia using a mixed methods approach. Content analysis of articles dealing with communication and media topics published in social science journals, as well as all articles in specialized media and communication journals in the period between 1969 and 2011, shows the intelectual history of the discipline, with the comparative position of Politička misao in the theoretical and methodological development of the discipline. The sample includes 481 articles, consisting of all full original articles dealing with communication and media topics published in odd years. Included are articles published in social science journals – Naše teme and Kulturni radnik (both discontinued in 1990), Politička misao, Revija za sociologiju, Društvena istraživanja and Informatologia, and in scientific journals devoted exclusively to communication and media studies (all started after 1990) – Medijska istraživanja, Medianali, Medijske studije. Institutional approach was employed for increased understanding of processes which influenced the development of the academic discipline of communication and media studies in Croatia. Results show an increase in number, the diversity of topics, theoretical approaches, and the scientific quality of published articles, and highlight institutional problems in the development of the discipline.
关键词:Communication Discipline/Field; Communication and Media Studies; Content Analysis; Longitudinal Research; Institutional Approach