摘要:A Papanicolaou test is the most effective procedure for detecting cervical cancer. Unfortunately, many young Asian Pacific Islander (API) college women are unaware of this procedure and do not take precaution against cervical cancer. This paper reports disaggregated data on Pap knowledge and screening rates of female students at a four-year university and suggests recommendations to healthcare providers to improve Pap screening rates. Using a community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach, a cross-sectional study was administered using a web-based anonymous survey (N=618). The survey results indicated that participants who were least likely to know about Pap tests were 18-21 years old, API, uninsured, and not in a committed relationship. Slightly more than half (52%) of API females received a screening compared to 82.4% of white females. The most influential people for Pap screening were doctors (43%) and the least influential people were mothers (18.8%) and friends (7.8%). This study expands the literature on Pap knowledge and screenings among API college students and provides culturally appropriate recommendations to improve screening rates
关键词:CBPR; Pap screening; Pap knowledge; Asian Pacific Islander