摘要:The human body functions best on a diet that is low in sodium, contains a moderate amount of protein and is high in fibre, complex carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits. Interest in dietary fibre recently resurfaced because of its potential beneficial effects for health. Associations between high fibre intake and lower incidence of human diseases, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes and bowel d iseases have been reported. High fibre diet is linked with low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and total cholesterol and good cardiovascular health. It is also implicated in the alleviation of age – related diseases such as cancer and dementia. The importance of dietary fibre in human health and bodily mechanisms has continued to be a subject of discussion within the scientific community. Dietary fibre has important health benefits in childhood, especially in promoting normal laxation. Currently, children consume amounts of dietary fibre that appear to be inadequate for optimal health promotion and disease prevention. In view of the medical importance of dietary fibre viz-a-viz increases in reported cases of chronic life – threatening diseases, this paper aims at reviewing the current trend with a view to further emphasize the need for intake of foods rich in fibre for the benefit of man and animals. It was established that dietary fibre is a preventive as well as a curative agent in the daily diet and ways to improve the fibre content of popular foods should be sought