摘要:This paper introduces the special feature of Ecology and Society entitled "Traditional Ecological Knowledge andGlobal Environmental Change. The special feature addresses two main research themes. The first theme concerns the resilienceof Traditional Ecological Knowledge (hereafter TEK) and the conditions that might explain its loss or persistence in the faceof global change. The second theme relates to new findings regarding the way in which TEK strengthens community resilienceto respond to the multiple stressors of global environmental change. Those themes are analyzed using case studies from Africa,Asia, America and Europe. Theoretical insights and empirical findings from the studies suggest that despite the generalizedworldwide trend of TEK erosion, substantial pockets of TEK persist in both developing and developed countries. A commontrend on the studies presented here is hybridization, where traditional knowledge, practices, and beliefs are merged with novelforms of knowledge and technologies to create new knowledge systems. The findings also reinforce previous hypotheses pointingat the importance of TEK systems as reservoirs of experiential knowledge that can provide important insights for the design ofadaptation and mitigation strategies to cope with global environmental change. Based on the results from papers in this feature,we discuss policy directions that might help to promote maintenance and restoration of living TEK systems as sources of social-ecological resilience