摘要:In this paper we compare 10 established frameworks for analyzing social-ecological systems. We limited ourselvesto frameworks that were explicitly designed to be used by a wider community of researchers and practitioners. Although allthese frameworks seem to have emerged from the need for concepts that permit structured, interdisciplinary reasoning aboutcomplex problems in social-ecological systems, they differ significantly with respect to contextual and structural criteria, suchas conceptualization of the ecological and social systems and their interrelation. It appears that three main criteria suffice toproduce a classification of frameworks that may be used as a decision tree when choosing a framework for analysis. Thesecriteria are (i) whether a framework conceptualizes the relationship between the social and ecological systems as being uni- orbidirectional; (ii) whether it takes an anthropocentric or an ecocentric perspective on the ecological system; and (iii) whether itis an action-oriented or an analysis-oriented framework
关键词:anthropocentric; conceptualization; decision tree; dynamics; ecocentric; ecological system; framework; human-;environment systems; social-ecological systems; social system