摘要:Three cases of Legionella pneumophila infection were identified in Sydney's west in November 1998.Epidemiological investigations identified an association with one workplace. Environmental sampling revealedthat the cooling towers in the workplace, and at 2 other premises within a 1 km radius of the workplace, werepositive for L. pneumophila serogroup 1 (LP1) which was indistinguishable from clinical isolates of 2 of the cases onDNA fingerprinting. Our report highlights limitations of the current control program for Legionella in coolingtowers, including the finding of unregistered cooling towers, cooling towers positive for LP1 despite satisfactoryresults on inspection, and cooling towers potentially linked to disease with counts of LP1 below the current protocolrequirements for immediate decontamination
关键词:legionellosis; legionella; cooling towers; surveillance; environmental health