摘要:Salmonella Typhimurium phage type 99 is a relatively rareserovar in Australia. The National Enteric Pathogen Surveil-lance Scheme reported only 16 cases Australia-wide in2000, and 19, 4, 3,1 and 1 for the 5 preceding years. Victoriacontributed 4, 7, 1, 0, 0 and 0 cases for these yearsrespectively. From 15 to 28 June 2001 the VictorianDepartment of Human Services was notified of 4 cases ofS. Typhimurium 99; all 4 resided in the same rural region ofVictoria. Earlier in the year there was a notification ofS. Typhimurium 99 in a man who lived in the same regionand who had become ill after burying 6 sheep that hadrecently died with S. Typhimurium 99 infections at hisworkplace, a feedlot