摘要:Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE) and Kunjin virus disease are endemic in the tropical parts of theNorthern Territory and Western Australia, but have been absent from Central Australia since 1974. In2000, 5 laboratory-confirmed cases of encephalitis occurred over a short period in the normally dry inlandregion of Central Australia. The sudden occurrence of cases in March and April 2000 followed unusuallyhigh rainfall in the preceding months and evidence of flavivirus activity in the endemic areas in theKimberley region of Western Australia. Further cases were reported in the following wet season, withoutpreceding human cases in known endemic areas. These findings indicate the reintroduction of theseviruses into Central Australia and establishment of local cycles of infection with an ongoing risk to thelocal population. This area may also act as a potential source for reintroduction of MVE into south-easternAustralia
关键词:Murray Valley encephalitis; Kunjin; encephalitis; flavivirus; Central Australia