摘要:Campylobacter is the most common cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in Australia, with 15,008 notifi ca-tions in 2004. This represents only a small fraction of the total cases of Campylobacter. Despite this, out-breaks are rarely reported. This report describes the investigation of an outbreak of campylobacteriosis following a restaurant meal in the Australian Capital Territory. The outbreak was identifi ed by a general practitioner who notifi ed the Health Protection Service, ACT Health. A retrospective cohort investigation of the 27 work colleagues who attended lunch at the restaurant was conducted. Eleven cases were identifi ed with two culture positive for Campylobacter. An association between eating several dishes containing chicken was identifi ed. This outbreak highlights the important identifi ed risk for Campylobacter infection from commercially prepared chicken. It also demonstrates the important role of clinicians in notifying disease outbreaks