摘要:This report describes one of the largest egg-associ-ated outbreaks of foodborne illness in Australia for many years. Between June and December 2005, five outbreaks of Salmonella Typhimurium phage type 135 were identified in Tasmania, leading to 125 laboratory-confirmed cases. Public health investigations included case and food handler interviews, cohort studies, environmental health investigations of food businesses, microbiological testing, traceback, and inspections and drag swab-bing of an egg farm. These investigations enabled identification of foods containing raw egg or foods contaminated through inadequate food handling and/or storage procedures as possible vehicles for infection. A particular poultry farm was reported as the common source of eggs. Interventions targeting the general public and food handlers to promote better handling of egg products, and advice to egg producers regarding harm minimisation strategies led to the series of outbreaks being brought under control.