This paper aims at presenting a part of the research “Fostering victim-oriented dialogue in a multiethnic society”, which was conducted by the Victimology Society of Serbia in the course of 2012 and the beginning of 2013 within the project “Developing alternative understandings of security and justice through restorative justice approaches in intercultural settings within democratic societies” - ALTERNATIVE. The result of research into the activities of the state agencies and institutions in Serbia in dealing with multi-ethnic conflicts during the 1990s onwards will be presented. The analysis should identify the discourse of the state in relation to multiethnic conflicts in order to observe any changes or developments in the past two decades. In addition, the focus is on identifying the place and role of restorative justice in how the state responds to these conflicts in order to assess the potential of such an approach in Serbia and consider possible pathways towards its broader use. [Ovaj rad nastao je kao rezultat rada na projektu koji je dobio finansijsku podršku EU u okviru Sedmog okvirnog programa Evropske komisije za istraživanja i tehnološki razvoj (FP7-SEC-2011-1), ugovor broj 285368]