摘要:Marine fish,
hoki (Macruronus novaezealandiae),
kahawai (Arripis trutta) and trevally
(Pseudocaranx dentex) were used to develop fermented fish models
to emulate Asian examples. The formulations comprised ground fish, carbohydrate, garlic and salt, but no added culture. The carbohydrate was cooked rice or glucose. The mixtures were extruded into
open-ended 50 mL plastic syringes, sealed and incubated at 30℃ for 96 h. The syringe piston was progressively advanced to yield test
samples. The endogenous lactic acid bacteria were capable of fermenting
glucose, but not cooked rice. After glucose fermentation, the treatments
contained around 8.7 log cfu·g-1 (from 3.3) with the pH range of 4.38 to 5.08
(from around 6.3), depending on the species. Hardness, springiness and
cohesiveness of treatments all increased with fermentation, except for hoki,
which was subject to an endogenous proteolytic activity. Color development varied
with species: light reflectance (L*) of the trevally and kahawai treatments
increased, while the a* (redness) and b* (yellowness) values were static. Hoki
exhibited the least color changes except for yellowness, which increased markedly. Possible reasons for this are discussed.
Proteolysis was greatest for trevally. Lipid oxidation was least for hoki,
notably the species with the lowest fat content. The trevally treatment
generated the highest concentration of amines, but values were lower than reported
for fermented fish sausage in Asia, possibly because of raw material hygiene
status. The physiochemical outcomes indicated that trevally (as pieces unsuited
for sale as fillets) would be best suited to this food product class. Suitable
species could be identified in other fisheries.