摘要:Concerns of
Africans with transgenic foods and genetically modified organisms seem to have minor
repercussions in general on the use and the commercialisation of these products
on African markets and particularly in the northern sudano-sahelian zone of Cameroun.
In this line, different crops (cotton, and maize) and some commercialized
branded food products were sampled on local farms, markets and chops.
Evaluation of the presence or absence of GMO was performed using labelling
system, completed by the laboratory analysis using PCR methods combined with the
electrophoresis. Amongst all collected items, sampled cotton of varieties IRMA L484, IRMA L457 and maize varieties ATP SRY (CHC 202), ECKEBIL (CLH 103), PAN 4P-767BR, PAN
5Q-433B and PAN 6Q-445B, were found to
contain the foreign genetic material. Amongst processed commercialised brand products,
39 were found to contain genetically modified ingredients. Most were maize
(glucose and syrup) and soya (lecithin).