摘要:In this paper,
the efficiency of lipid extraction from macrophytes (Chaetomorpha linum, Ulva laetevirens, Valonia aegagrophyla, Gracilariopsis longissima, Ruppia cirrhosa) for the
biodiesel production is evaluated using four different methods based on the
Accelerated Solvent Extraction technique. Both wet and dried tissues are
extracted and effects induced on lipid recovery by the pressure and the solvent
mixture selection are evaluated. Results evidenced that better extraction performance is obtained using a polar/hydrophobic
solvent mixture (1:1 v/v). Accelerate Solvent Extraction technique
significantly improves the total amount of lipid extracted from macrophytes
tissues even if average values are about 2% of the dry weight. Observed
efficiencies are far from the productive standards required by the industrial
process; nevertheless, lipid extraction from macrophytes could represent an
interesting step of a much more complex biomass recycling process which could
include, besides biodiesel, also, the production of other commercial materials
as well as pigments and biosorbents.
关键词:Biodiesel Production; Macroalgae; Orbetello Lagoon; AS