摘要:We have measured trace elements in epileptic patients.
Levels of trace elements are very fluctuating in comparison to the healthy
controls. The levels of Zn, Fe and Cu are higher in comparison to healthy
normal children about 64%, 55% and 33% respectively. The levels of Cu are just
fifty percent to levels of Zn. The levels of Ca, K and Mg are higher about 10%,
9.027% and 4.2% in comparison to normal children. Sodium levels were very low in
comparison to all the trace elements and are higher about 3.2% than controls.
The multiple correlation coefficients between Na, K and Ca, i.e. (RNa.KCa) has a value 0.4993 in comparison to healthy children.
Multiple correlation coefficients between Fe, Cu and Zn, i.e. (RFe.CuZn) has a value 0.4366. The multiple correlation coefficients RNa.Kca and RFe.CuZn are found lower. These
elements were strongly correlated with other. The multiple correlation
coefficients such as RK.NaCa, RCa.K.Na, RMg.NaK, RNa.MgK, RK.MgNa, RCu.FeZn and RZn.FeCu were also evaluated
and found on higher side from normal range. Trace elements may
act as a catalytic agent for enzyme system of the cells. The minimum
requirements of living objects for essential trace elements may be expressed in
proportions or concentrations of the total dry food taken everyday. A tolerance
of the human system may be fluctuated according to intake of these elements.
关键词:Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (FAAS); Grand-Mal Epilepsy (GME); Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF); Central Nervous System (CNS) and Serum