摘要:This paper aimed to investigate new ways of
understanding non-cooperative attitudes of the speakers and the violation of
Cooperative Principle maxims in real Iranian psychological consulting session. The data base consists of
recorded conversations between a male psychotherapist and his patients during
therapy sessions. After analysing their language by means of conversational
implicature and the occurrences of the violation of Cooperative Principle, it is concluded that the recognition of
conversational implicature is essential for the understanding of the
non-cooperative attitudes of the speakers and their violation of one or more
Cooperative Principle maxims. Moreover, it was clear that the message people
intend to convey is not wholly contained within the words they use, but it is also dependent on how hearers interpreting
the message taking into account context and implicated
meaning. Finally, there were instances when the purpose was to intentionally
miscommunicate within this sophisticated social context. The study has a
contribution to the existing knowledge in the area of pragmatics and psychology