摘要:Introduction: People with diabetes often develop diverse microvascular, macrovascular,
and neuropathic complications. Diabetes named high disease because of its
high prevalence, high incidence, chronicity and high costs. Accurate
projections of diabetes burden are essential for health planning so the aim of
this study was to calculate the burden of diabetes in Razavikhorasan population,
in Iran. Methodology: We used Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) index
using computer model (DisMod) for assessment of burden of diabetes and
complications in Razavikhorasan province in Iran in year 2010-2011. Results:
Burden of diabetes in Razavikhorasan population was 64,733 DALY in year
2010-2011. The total Years Life Lost (YLL) from diabetes mellitus was 62,883 (34,216
in men and 28,667 in women) due to premature death and the total Years Life
Disability (YLD) was 1850. Conclusion: Diabetes mellitus and lesser forms of
glucose intolerance can now be found in almost every population and
epidemiological evidences suggest that, without effective prevention and
control programs, diabetes will continue to increase and therefore advances in
all levels of prevention may help reduce the number of people with diabetes.
关键词:Burden of Diabetes; DisMod; YLL; YLD; DALYs; Iran