摘要:The empirical investigation reported the effects of chemicals on the properties of concrete with cement partially replaced with Groundnut Husk Ash (GHA). The principal characteristic measured was the compressive strength of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) concrete and OPC/GHA concrete after curing in three chemical solutions (MgSO4, NaCl and H2SO4) at 14, 21 and 28 days hydration periods. The results revealed that the OPC/GHA concrete performed best in most of the chemical solutions at 28 days hydration period with compressive strength values of 21.05N/mm2 in MgSO4 solution and 22.55Nmm2 in NaCl solution. The study concluded that OPC/GHA concrete having proven resistant to magnesium sulphate and sodium chloride media would perform better in soils containing MgSO4 and NaCl.Key words: Blended cement; groundnut husk ash; magnesium sulphate; sodium chloride; sulphuric acid; compressive strength; durability of concrete.