摘要:Ten years ago, I published a paperwith virtually the same title as theone above in which I reviewed thefindings of over thirty studies onstructured abstracts [1]. Here, Icomment on developments in theresearch since that time and the useof structured abstracts over the lastten years.The phrase ''structured ab-stracts'' has now become common-place, and there is now no realneed to define what is meant bythe term. Such abstracts typicallycontain subheadings and sections,such as ''Background,'' ''Aim(s),''''Method(s),'' ''Results,'' and ''Con-clusions.'' Occasionally, there aremore subheadings—such as ''Sam-ple'' and ''Limitations''—and occa-sionally there are fewer. Beller et al.provide useful descriptions of whatmight be included under each mainheading [2]