摘要:Editors' note: With the theme ofMLA 913, the Medical LibraryAssociation 2013 annual meeting,''One Health: Information in anInterdependent World'' in mind,we dedicate this year's BuildingProjects in Health Sciences Librar-ies column to library constructionand renovation projects that havetaken place outside of the UnitedStates. As evidenced by the exam-ples in this year's column, projectsin other countries have many sim-ilarities with those in the UnitedStates. Library spaces throughoutthe world are becoming communi-ty hubs for their organizations'personnel. They are providing col-laborative and immersion spacesfor groups to share ideas and tocreate and transfer knowledge.Print collection footprints are beingreduced as digital informationdominates, leading to the ability toinvite others into expanded libraryspace to engage and interact. Light,refreshing, and welcoming libraryenvironments enhance users' expe-riences and encourage these inno-vative collaborations and syner-gies. Additional photographs andfloor plans of these seven featuredlibraries as well as additional li-brary reports can be found at thiscolumn's accompanying MLANETwebsite ,http://www.buildings.mlanet.org