摘要:IT IS well known to medical librarians engaged in reference work that the various abstract journals can be made to serve the double or secondary purpose of supplementing the general medical bibliographies. This is referred to by Kennedy (1958), and by Cunningham and Grinnell (1956). The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to some of the bibliographical aids in the field of thoracic medicine and surgery, with particular attention to abstracting journals. Considered roughly in chronological order they are: 1. Zentralblatt fur die gesamte Tuberkulose-Forschung, Berlin, 1921- 1944, and 1950 to date (earlier published as Internationales Centralblatt fur die gesamte Tuberkulose-Literatur, Wurzburg and Leipzig, 1906-1920, by A. Stiiber Verlag and Curt Kabitzsch). This journal is now published by Springer-Verlag, Berlin, and at one time was sold only with the Beitrage zur Klinik der Tuberkulose. Because of the high price of the latter publication (maximum price £36.15.0 a year), it was usually only to be found in the larger or more specialized libraries. However, at the moment of writing it is possible to subscribe to the Zentralblatt alone, the subscription being £10 a year for three or four volumes. It is not possible to subscribe to the Beitrage alone, of which two and one-quarter volumes appear a year. The fact that the Zentralblatt is published in German need not deter those unfamiliar with the language from making use of its excellent author and subject indexes, particularly when the more accessible sources have been searched in vain. Each separate number has an author index, and a useful feature is the inclusion of authors' addresses. Each volume has a cumulative author and subject index. In the fifty years of its existence this journal has listed a large amount of material in such a way that it is fairly easy to consult.