摘要:I)EAR NILA MEMBERS: I spjenLt thle last week in September in New York, as tlle guLest of Mliss AnInanI1, soakinig upl) MILA p)hilosop)hy and lroce(ltlres. Mliss Ann in rid her secretary, MIrs. P'etrachi, mat(le arrangements for mle to meet the officers alnd MI A comminiittee members who were in town. The niiglht befoie I left, 'Miss Annai-n acnil I wen-t over the problems wvith which people hlad(1 suggeste(l the central oflice mliglLt hell). We agreedi that publicity, mlemiiberislhip) records, and certatill secretarial (luties shotldl be taken- over first.