摘要:T HE regional library services of the Yale Medical Library first began to be supplied actively in 1950 following the suggestion of the Associates of the Yale Medical Library that this Library work with and stimulate hospital libraries in general hospitals throughout Connecticut. The Associates group finances this activity to some extent by paying for the duplicate subscriptions to heavily used journals in the Yale Medical Library. In the course of the past dozen years, staff members from the-Yale Medical Library have visited perhaps one-half or two-thirds of the thirtyodd general hospitals in Connecticut. We have given advice for setting up libraries or expanding existing libraries. This advice has concerned the organization of the library, the amount of space and personnel required, acquisitions programs, and cataloging procedures. We have designed a simple classification scheme for use in hospital libraries and have also advised on the purchase of supplies and equipment. Where only small amounts of supplies were needed, the Yale Medical Library has given them to hospital libraries.