摘要:The National Library of Medicine has established at the Biomedical Library, UCLA, a remote MEDLARS search station. The agreement between the libraries provided that the Biomedical Library in cooperation with the UCLA Health Sciences Computing Facility would reprogram MEDLARS for the IBM 7094 computer, provide personnel to be trained in machine searching at NLM, and engage in a pilot demonstration of search service to the medical staff of UCLA. This paper describes the place of the search section in the organization of the Biomedical Library and the training of personnel at NLM (the article by Garvis in this issue of the BULLETIN relates the problems encountered in making two different computer systems compatible). Search service had not begun when this paper was written; it was scheduled to begin late in 1965. Plans for the future include the enlargement of the UCLA MEDLARS staff and extension of search service to a larger geographical area.