摘要:THE Quarterly Index to Current Contents®/Life Sciences (QICC/LS) is a convenient tool for users of Current Contents®/Life Sciences (CC/LS). Its three different indexes, which cover a three-month period, expedite searching for items included in CC/LS. The author index is more comprehensive than the weekly indexes in CC/LS because it includes all of the authors of each article, not just the first author as does CC/LS. The Permuterm® subject index, which pairs all significant words in an article's title, is presented in the same format as the Permuterm index in Science Citation Index® (SCI). Therefore, it is a more informative index than the single-word index appearing in CC/LS. The journal index in QICCILS directs users who wish to know where a particular journal's table of contents can be found to the appropriate issue and page of CC/LS. These three indexes enhance the value of CC/ILS; QICCILS is reasonably priced at $100 per year. However, libraries which already subscribe to the Science Citation Index can avoid this expense without losing the benefits just described. This recommendation is based on the following comparisons of the coverage, currency, and indexing features of QICCILS with SCI.