摘要:Derermining tJppropriate enviromnentai n.atcr allocations or "blwlronmental Flows 'l to maintain the natural ecosystem is a major issue among irtigarors. politicim1s. environmcntalisls. ecologists and ec::onomists. As the State's water manager. th(! ;VSW Depanment ofLand and Water Cons·ervafion {DLJl'C) flllocates water among the mtJ}ar user groups. Asse~-sing optimum volumes of environmental flow allocation is a significant problem for rhe Depcwmumt. Empirical economic studies on evaluating benefits of environmental flows are limited. Rimce, this p ... pe: utt(, .npts to review existing economic studies on this issue. ami to identify and develop a suitable methodology to evahmte costs and benefits of environmental flo'u'S. The paper will apply this melhodolog,v for optimum em,ironmental ·water allocation to a case slt(cly, the Gwydir JVetlands in NSJf!.