摘要:LUI'ger lIIa/g/1lall'lllpaclo 011 household lood ;pendllig COlILe /10m/ood stalllp; than I,am eqnlUalent GQ<.,h lJ1C01JW, accoJCil1Lg to /neVlOll') htudw') These ;tudICo have been Imllted. howeve,. 111 uSlIlg load e'l:pend,tll1e equatlOn; that a"e Iwear 111 the coef· I,uent;. placllIg 1"'/0' w,,~t1Gl1It, on the est",wted 111(11911/(/1 propensltzeo to 'pend (MPS) f10m cash and 110111 ;tamp' TJ,,~ a,tlele ,e-e:lalnlnes the eailte, 111 PS "t",wt" 111 "ght 01 a /IlOre gene1 al alld jle:llble lood e"pendltnre equatIOn, comparing "tlllwteo flolll (l WIII1110n dala .;et u"del alternatIVe InnctlOnal 10rill , The al11cle estw/(!te~ challqe.; III load .Ipelldmq thai !Vollid ,e31111 nndel each lunctlolwll"'''' ,,'0111 "ca;llIlIg ant" {oDd Itamps, aud leplacl1Ig stamp.; with e"lIIualent cash benejlt" Re",,/t~ show that 1I1PS eotllIIate; vary widely depeudmq on {nnctlO1Ial {arm. past "IIInates tended to subMantwily e:wgge1ate the ca,;hout ef{ect III leducmg load spendmg, and the most genelal. co""stent, and fle'tlblejollll' ;how a lO-eel/t >ed"ctIO" In (oDd spendl1lg 101 each dolla1 oj jood'!"/ lIP belleflt slllited to a ca,1l paYllIent
关键词:Food eTpel/(1I110e.; lood sla1llp'. Natwn1I'lde;Food COmll1nptlOlI Sill vey; povelty