摘要:Sustained growth in agricultural productivity iscritical to improvements in food security for two reasons.First, growth in agricultural productivity translates intoincreased food supplies and lower food prices for con-sumers. And second, growth in agricultural productivitymeans higher incomes, and thus improved ability to pur-chase food and other basic necessities, for many food-inse-cure people who earn their livelihoods through agriculturalproduction. Most changes in agricultural productivity overtime (and differences across farms or countries) can beattributed to differences in the quantity of resources usedin agricultural production, such as land, labor, and fertiliz-er. But agricultural productivity also depends critically onthe quality of resources used, including the quality of natu-ral resources such as land. Distinguishing the relativeimpacts of resource quantity and quality is important indetermining appropriate policy measures to improve agri-cultural productivity and food security.