摘要:The Beef Industry Development Fund, (BIDF), is a joint industry, federal and provincial initiative that was established to support innovative projects which would increase the competitiveness of the Canadian beef industry. The BIDF amounted to nearly $25 million dollars over a period of five years from 1995 to the end of 2000. The initiatives funded by BIDF were primarily targeted to domestic and export market development, research, training and technology. This paper is the performance measures evaluation of the Beef Industry Development Fund. Performance research management determines how well the recommended actions are being carried out and what benefits in sales and profits are being realized. Performance measurement benchmarks performance against preestablished goals. The George Morris Centre uses a performance measurement system which begins with the big picture goals. The goals of the program are the key to the evaluation. All actions and results are evaluated as to their effectiveness in achieving the goals. We then evaluate the broad-based actions and programs which are designed to achieve those goals.