摘要:The literature on sustaimtbilityoffers something for all tastes. Prognoses range from. cornucopia to catastrophe; diagnoses extend frorn simple market failures to modern lifestyles incompatible with the carrying capacity of the plane.t; and p()li~ prescriptions run the gamut from. minor mid .. course corrections to radical restructuring of economy'tlOd society. 110wevert this HteratureacquJres more coherence when one observes that most of the discord stems from different assumptions about substitution possibilities and from differences between single-agent and structural modds. r tlrl,'Ue that discounting and n1issing int.ergenerationnlmarkets ure over".rated as problems, undHartwick,.type ,investment rules are overwlated as solutions. On the other hand, snfe minimum sumdard concept.Ci deserve -:more uttenticll1 thunCCOllomisls typically give t.hem. 1 conclude with comment.ary on some specific policy instrument".