摘要:If the technology in a multi-species fishery is such that there is jointness in inputs and non-separabilitybetween inputs and outputs, then management on a species-by-species basis may lead to unintendedoutcomes, including over-exploitation of the resource. This study investigates the nature of thetechnical and economic relationships underlying the 1989-1990 Mauritanian cephalopod fishery byestimating a system of dual output supply functions derived from a generalized Leontief revenuefunction. Model results indicate the existence of jointness in inputs and non-separability betweeninputs and outputs in the fishery. Cross-price elasticities indicated a number of substitute andcomplementary relationships, with these relationships changing in magnitude across years. Takentogether, the results suggest that any attempts to economically manage the resource should be basedon multi-product production theory, not single-species biological response functions. Besides rulingout single-species management, the dominance of substitute relationships in the Mauritaniancephalopod fishery precludes the use of "key species" management of the entire resource.