标题:Green Revolution Technology Takes Root in Africa: The Promise and Challenge of the Ministry of Agriculture/Sg2000 Experiment with Improved Cereals Technology in Ethiopia
摘要:Background and Objectives: Ethiopia's foodinsecurity will increase unless it can dramaticallyboost agricultural productivity. In 1993, theSasakawa/Global 2000 Program (SG) and theMinistry of Agriculture (MOA) began a jointprogram to demonstrate that substantialproductivity increases could be achieved whenfarmers were given appropriate extensionmessages and agricultural inputs were delivered ontime at reasonable prices. The program providedcredit, inputs and extension assistance toparticipants willing to establish half-hectaredemonstration plots on their own land. In 1995,the MOA/SG demonstration program reachedmore than 3,500 farmers. During the same yearMOA launched the New Extension Program(NEP) based on SG principles but managedindependently. By 1997, NEP was managing thebulk of the demonstration plots (about 650,000).