摘要:The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996(PRWORA) dramatically transformed and continues to transform the food assis-tance landscape in the United States. The Act cut more funds from the FoodStamp Program than it did from any other program, through reductions in bene-fits per person and restrictions in eligibility. Despite these cuts, food stampsnow have a more prominent role in the post-welfare reform social safety netbecause the largest cash-assistance entitlement program, Aid to Families withDependent Children (AFDC), was replaced with the Temporary Assistance toNeedy Families (TANF) program, a nonentitlement program. This leaves theFood Stamp Program as one of the only remaining entitlement programs avail-able to almost all low-income households.
关键词:Food stamps; transfer payments; food consumption; nutrition