摘要:Establishments in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan locations are surprisinglysimilar in their adoption of new technologies, worker skill requirements, use ofgovernment programs and technical assistance, exports, and sources of financ-ing, according to the results of a nationwide survey of 3,909 manufacturingbusinesses. The most widespread concern of both metro and nonmetro business-es appears to be with quality of labor. Survey respondents report rapidly increas-ing skill requirements, and many report problems finding qualified workers.Quality of local labor is the most frequently cited problem associated with non-metro business locations. Access to credit, transportation, and telecommunica-tions infrastructure is a problem of secondary importance for both metro andnonmetro respondents. Rural communities face a considerable challenge in sup-plying workers with needed skills. The fastest-growing skillrequirements.computer, interpersonal/teamwork, and problem-solvingskills.are not central to traditional academic instruction