摘要:Motivations for undergraduate student choice of marketing major have critical strategic human resource planningand long-term career satisfaction importance. Yet few studies have been devoted to it. Based on four hypotheses,this study examined the correlation between job, personal, educational and gender factors, and undergraduatestudents’ choice of marketing major, and influential relationship of various close affinities (individuals) with thatchoice in a business biased Public University in Ghana. A cross-sectional quantitative study based on apopulation sample size of 527, this research examined 21 variables captured in a closed-ended questionnaireadministered to a sampled student population of marketing major students for three-month duration. Descriptiveanalysis, Chi-Square test, multiple linear regressions, Pearson correlation, factorial and component analyses werecalculated of data. Whiles results indicated the female gender is not correlated to choice of marketing profession,personal interest factors was positively related to the choice, followed by the nature of marketing, quality andreputation of lecturers, and job related factors.