摘要:This report presents a comprehensive database on the agricultural sector of the European Conununity (EC). It contains time-series data (1960--85) on prices I, and the supply and utilization of agricultural conunodities for lv count~ies of the EC. The major grains, oilseeds, livestock. and dairy products are included as well as sugar, potatoes, and rice. Prices are provided at various stages of the marketing chain, including support prices set institutionally by the EC's Council of Ministers. Macroeconomic data, agricultural conversion (green) rates, iloport/export levies for grains, imports of selected nongrain feeds, agricultural input price indices, and EC financing and expenditures on agriculture are also included
关键词:European Conununity;grains;oilseeds;livestock products;dairy J. products;agricultural prices;macroeconomic data;green rates;budget data