标题:Ergebnisse des Projektes „Randstreifen als Strukturelemente in der intensiv genutzten Agrarlandschaft Wolfenbüttels“ - Nichtteilnehmerbefragung NAU 2003, Akteursanalyse Agrarumweltschutz im Landkreis Wolfenbüttel und Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Eingriffsregelung in ackerbaulichen Intensivregionen
摘要:Stakeholder involvement in agri-environmental policy making - Learning from a local level approach in Germany. Within Germanys most intensive agricultural regions, called “Börde”, no agri-environmental measures for nature conservation were implemented before 2003. Although all partners agreed that there was a need for conservation measures in this regions, no adequate and accepted measures existed so far. In the Börde-regions, farmers and conservationalists additionally compete with urban interests for infrastructure, recreation, etc. The project therefore aimed at bringing regional stakeholders and cooperatively together in order to develop regionally adapted agri-environmental measures for intensively used arable regions. Lessons Learned The process of agri-environmental scheme development is recently too complex and too centralized to liberate the regional potential for nature conservation. To develop a cooperative approach and targeting at generating trust among regional stakeholders needs time, practical projects and consensual aims.
关键词:Agri-environmental schemes project flowering strips agri-environment Stakeholder involvement in agri-environmental policy making - Learning from a local and a state level approach in Germany.