摘要:In the last decade of the 20th century, the main enterprises of integration in which Brazil was involved were MERCOSUR (Common Market of the South America) and the negotiations about the formation of FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas). The regional integration together with the trade liberalization has deeply benefited the Brazilian agricultural sector, and nowadays the country is ranked as the second biggest agricultural product exporter country inside the FTAA. The effects on commerce are directly related to the trade restrictions once imposed on partners and on trade volume initially verified among these countries. Considering this aspect, the goal of this study is to recognize the probable effects of Brazil’s participation in FTAA in what refers to coffee, cacao, soy, sugar, orange juice and meat exports in the period of 1999-2002. This analysis was performed under the optics of the partial equilibrium that was developed by Laird and Yeats (1986), so that, to estimate the effects of first order, i.e. the reductions in the trade restrictions using the elasticities approach. The conclusion made in relation to the simulations that have been made to the period of 1999-2002, with total liberation from trade restrictions imposed by FTAA’s country members to the Brazilian exports, is that, for the group of products studied, the trade creation effect turns out to be superior to the trade diversion one, showing clearly the competitiveness of Brazilian agribusiness inside FTAA.