摘要:El objectivo de este estudio es doble. Por un lado, se analiza la presencia de sitios web en las empresas hortofruticolas espanolas y su relacion con el rendimiento de las mismas. Por otro lado, se propne y emplea una metodologia para analizar los contenidos del sitio web. Se ha analizado la presencia en Internet de 306 empresas hortofruticolas espanolas de tamano mediano, encontrando que un 10,1 por ciento todavia no cuentan con un sitio web ajeno, es decir, se trata simplemente de directorios mantenidos por terceros con informacion estandar de cada empresa. Solo un 22,5 por ciento poseen un sitio web propio. Su analisis revela que son sitios sencillos, siendo su proposito fundamental el ofrecer informacion de la empresa. Aun asi, los resultados del Analisis de la Varianza demuestran que contrar con un sitio web, mas aun si es propio, es una caracteristica diferencial de las empresas mas productivas...The aim of this study is twofold. On the one hand, it analyzes website adoption in horticulture and fruit Spanish businesses as well as its relation with firm performance. On the other hand, a methodology to evaluate web content is proposed and used. The web presence of 306 medium-sized horticulture and fruit Spanish business was analyzed. Findings showed that 10.1 percent of the firms still do not have a website. The majority of the businesses, 67.3 percent, have websites owned by a third-party, that is, web directories hosted and managed by a third-party with merely standard information of the companies. Only 22.5 percent of firms have privately-owned websites. Web content analysis revealed that these are simple websites, being the offering of corporate information their main purpose. However, results from analysis of variance confirmed that having a website, preferable privately-owned, is a differentiating feature of most productive firms.
关键词:empresas hortofruticolas;sistemas de informacion;internet;contenidos del sitio web;eficiencia;horticulture and fruit sector;information systems;internet;website contents;efficiency