摘要:In recent years an increasing consumer preference for regional food can be observed, both in Germany and in other European countries. Regression models investigating this region-of-origin effect are rare and in most cases the region or sample size under consideration is quite small. Different from that, the present study is based on a representative data set for Germany. Our objective is to identify and quantify the determining factors of consumers preferences for regional food. Therefore, a theoretical construct is proposed and tested empirically by using a binary logit model. The results indicate that cognitive and normative factors are the main determinants on consumer preference for regional food, whereas affective and socio-demographic variables only are taking marginal influence. Especially consumers perceptions, that regional food has better product attributes and offers a higher food safety, are significant and important determining factors. The same is true for the idea to support the domestic agriculture by purchasing locally grown food. Contrarily, no significant influence could be examined for most of the socio-demographic variables, e.g. level of education, location size, and level of income.
关键词:Consumer preferences;willingness to pay;region-of-origin effect;regional food;binary logistic regression model