摘要:This study summarizes key results from a 2007 survey completed by 753 CRP contract holders in South Dakota. Topics covered include: comparison of national and South Dakota CRP trends, key characteristics of CRP contract holders in South Dakota, current CRP management practices and overall crop/livestock management practices, and respondent assessment of relative importance of various factors affecting their CRP decisions. Projected re-enrollment rate into a new CRP contract varies from 34 percent to 63 percent of existing CRP acres, depending on scenario. Statewide, 61 percent of post-CRP acres, not re-enrolled, are projected to be used for crop production, 30 percent for grass hay or livestock production, and 9 percent for other uses.
关键词:Conservation Reserve Program;CRP land management;Post-CRP land use;crop management practices;agricultural conservation policy;pasture ; grassland management