摘要:This study aims to determine the impact of the installation credits of the National Program for Agrarian Reform and PRONAF-A (National Program for the Strengthening of Family Farming) on the household income of the rural workers in the Santa Rita Settlement, located in the municipality of Altos – Piaui state. A general survey of the settlement’s characteristics was conducted using statistic analysis through hypotheses testing to evaluate the impact of such programs, considering the average household income and the years of schooling of the family head for the years 2001 and 2005. A comparison was made of each of those variables using data samples from Santa Rita, PRONAF-A and traditional farmers as control group, for each year. The database was collected for analysis at INCRA/PI (National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform of Piaui state), CEPAC (Center for Cultural Action in Piaiui state) and PNAD (National Household Survey). The results show the need for a redirection of settlement policies to enhance the effectiveness of public resources and to provide greater wellness and sustainability among family farmers in low income and productivity areas, as exemplified by the northeast region of Brazil.