摘要:The market of organic products in Bulgaria enlarged significantly in the last few years. Although the share of organic food products in general food market in the country is relatively small-less than 5 %, the total area under organic products in Bulgaria/cultivated and wild collected/ is more than 250 thousand ha. The development of organic production is considered for one of the priority for development of the agricultural sector and food market. One of the factors considered to an obstacle for development of organic farming are the problems in the supply chain of organic products. The paper will provide a comprehensive overview of current status and prospects for development of organic food chain. It will be based on a research utilized the primary data collected through survey, based on in-dept interviews with a sample of stakeholders involved in organic food supply chain. The paper will covers the issues of current level of organic food supply chain, it will identifies problems in the supply chain, influence of supply chain on safety and quality of organic products. Particular emphasis will be given to outline the different dimension of factors for successful marketing of organic products and measures for creating of efficient supply chain of organic products in Bulgaria. Interesting conclusion can be drawn for the general food supply chain from the analyzing the expert opinions for the proper outlets for sales of organic products.