摘要:Objective. This study aimed to identify the microorganisms of surface and depth of tonsils and whether these microorganisms bring the menace of bacteremia during tonsillectomy in the children under surgery. Materials and Methods. The culture specimens were taken from surface and depth of tonsil from the patients suffering from chronic tonsillitis at the time of operation. Also, 10 mL venous blood samples were taken 5 minutes before and after the operation for microbiological study. Results. According to the results, 112 (76.1%) and 117 (79.6%) cultures from surface and depth of tonsils represented multiple microorganisms, respectively. Besides, staphylococci coagulase positive was the most common organism in both surface and depth of tonsils. None of the preoperation blood cultures were positive, while 3 postoperation blood cultures (2.1%) were positive. Staphylococci coagulase negative and alpha hemolytic streptococcus were detected in 2 cases (1.4%) and 1 case (0.7%), respectively. Conclusion. In the present study, the two cultured sites were almost similar regarding the types of isolated microorganisms. Our results suggested that bacteremia might occur after tonsillectomy. Therefore, to avoid the possible dramatic outcomes after tonsillectomy, pre- and postoperation attendances are essential.