期刊名称:International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering
出版社:Engg Journals Publications
摘要:Web caching and Web prefetching are two important techniques used to reduce the noticeable response time perceived by users. By integrating Web caching and Web prefetching, these two techniques can complement each other since the Web caching technique exploits the temporal locality, whereas Web prefetching technique utilizes the spatial locality of Web objects [32]. In this paper, we develop algorithm Pre-IPGDSF# by integrating Web caching and Web prefetching in Web servers. For caching, we use innovative algorithm Intelligent Predictive Greedy Dual Size Frequency#, IPGDSF#, which is an enhanced version of algorithm GDSF# developed by us [13, 14, 15, 16, 17]. For prefetching, we use a static prefetching method. Using three different Web proxy server logs, we use trace driven analysis to evaluate the effects of different replacement policies on the performance of a Web proxy server. We specifically compare policies like GDSF, GDSF#, and IPGDSF# with the proposed integrated policy Pre-IPGDSF#. Using trace-driven simulations and for various standard cost criteria (hit rate and byte hit rate), we show that our proposed integrated policy outperforms all other algorithms under consideration.
关键词:Web caching; Web prefetching; replacement policy; hit ratio; byte hit ratio; trace-driven simulation.