摘要:Over 90 percent of companies are estimatedto use IT Service Management(ITSM) frameworks, yet there is little researchon their benefits to the InformationTechnology (IT) department andthe business units. An international surveyof 491 firms was conducted to assessthe benefits of the IT InfrastructureLibrary (ITIL), the de-facto ITSM framework,specifically on how these benefitsevolve as companies increase theiradoption of the ITIL model. Also studiedare the perception of challenges ofthe implementation and the number ofITIL processes implemented in relationto the progress of the adoption of ITIL.Results indicate that as the maturity ofimplementation increases, the perceptionof challenges decreases. Findingsalso showthat as thematurity of implementationincreases, the number of realizedbenefits increases, as well as thenumber of implemented ITIL processes.Implications for practitioners and researchersare also discussed.
关键词:IT Infrastructure Library; IT Service Management; Best Practice; ITIL; ITSM; IT Services