摘要:Due to specific characteristics of analyticalinformation systems, their developmentvaries significantly from transaction-oriented systems. Specific methodsupport is particularly needed forrequirements engineering and itsinformation-related component, informationrequirements analysis. The paperat hand first evaluates the state ofthe art and identifies necessary methodsupport extensions.On this basis,methodsupport requirements for informationrequirements engineering are identified.The survey is structured alongthe five core activities of traditional requirementsengineering. It reveals aneed for further research especially oninformation requirements elicitation,validation, and management. It furthercontributes to a discussion of aspectsthat should be considered by anymethod support. Due to comparativelylong life cycles of analytical informationsystems, the introduction of a processperspective is discussed in order to ensurethe continuous elicitation, documentation,and management of informationrequirements.
关键词:Information requirements analysis; Analytical information systems; Data warehousing; Business intelligence; Method engineering