摘要:Service orientation has been a majorbuzz-word in recent years. While thebuzz is on a decline, organizations areslowly, but steadily moving towardsservice oriented designs. However, serviceorientation turns out to be as muchof a managerial challenge as of a technicalone. The most important complexitydrivers in the service orienteddesign of information systems seemto be (a) inconsistent design goals ofstakeholders and (b) the pursuit of exhaustiveservice orientation coverage.This research focuses on the followingtwo questions: (1) What are the characteristicsof successful implementationsof service oriented informationsystems, and (2) what are the criticalsuccess factors influencing, drivingand/or, determining these characteristics?Data of an empirical analysis isused to test a set of cause-effect relationshiphypotheses based on nine latentvariables. In the core of this modelwe differentiate the variables “overallservice orientation infrastructure success”and “service orientation projectsuccess”. The hypothesized interrelationshipsbetween the nine variableslead to a causal model which is provento hold.
关键词:Critical success factors; Service orientation; Information systems integration; Structural equation model